
Mother and businesswoman…a real challenge!


All of us who are mothers know what this implies. Since the baby is born, it becomes the center of attention of our existence. Everything we do is measured by its pattern. A new scale of values emerges for us or we modify the one we already have.

However, we are still the same. Little has changed in us, except that now a small being depends on our care. But this baby will grow. Each age will give us different needs and attentions. And this baby will continue to grow until a good day becomes an adult with a life of his own.

This will be the moment when we will look back. How do we want to contemplate that unrepeatable past? Undoubtedly, the answer is clear. With good feelings and a smile on our faces. What have you done in your life? Or rather, what did you stopped doing?

Faced with these questions, the testimonies of the working mothers, who decide to set up their own company, emerge forcefully. A challenge for them! An achievement for their lives and personal development! It should be borne in mind that few women today are restricted to raising exclusively.

The maternity model has changed. New moms do not prioritize the fact of being a mom. Now we take into account values such as having a career, knowing many places, people and acquiring experiences. Thus, in this way the first child is delayed more and more.

But once this child arrives, iwe need to combine and adapt the rhythms, without ever throwing the towel. For those of us who are moms and we are also in charge of a company, the work is doubled (triple if you have more than one child), but you have to move forward. The fact that it is more difficult does not make it impossible.

We managed to develop a diamond tenacity, which makes each morning a bit of a challenge but yes, we have very clear purposes. In addition to this, what defines us is the ability to overcome. If we can get to this point, we can go much further in our goals.

Businesswomen, professors, scientists, hairdressers, merchants, hoteliers and many other sectors, form the great community of professional and business mothers. More than a challenge for us is a way of life. The day should have 28 hours (or more), and yet our journey seems never to end.

It’s worth a try, why not have everything you want in life? Motherhood is not an obstacle at all. It is a beautiful moment, that makes us become stronger and more able to respond to adversity.

Why should a woman stop her job aspirations when she is a mother? Being so does not stop you from going ahead with your business. What limits it is the lack of help: when the father is missing, the family is far away, there are no nursery places, etc. Another challenge, no doubt. And still, it’s still worth a try.

As the great Gabriel García Márquez would say: “Say yes, even if you’re dying of fear, but then you regret it, because you’re going to regret it all your life if you say no.”

Let’s bet that conciliation is possible!