
Is the world going too fast for you?

Little Tea time

We can not deny that we live in a terrible vortex, given the urgent times and the need for immediacy at every step we take.

The speed at which we live can affect our mental and physical health. So please take some time to think about the speed at which you go every day, every week and ask yourself this: Is the world going too fast for me?

Sometimes when I see everything I have to do in the day, or the huge amount of news and novelties that have to be read on the Internet and in Social Networks, I get completely overwelmed. When the week goes by and I think: Is it Sunday yet again? I feel that I have not done everything I should to enjoy my time, everything has happened so fast in front of me that sometimes, it simply escapes me. Does this happen to you too?

On those occasions I feel like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, who always came late clock in hand saying: “I’m late, I’m late for an very important date!”.

Whatever our profession and personal life, we can not deny that we live in a terrible vortex, given the urgent times and the need for immediacy at every step we take.

And we must say that we are not always ready or want to be part of this urgent need, sometimes work, sometimes demanded by our own children or our family environment and, many other times, by ourselves, we have already forgotten what it is to stop for five minutes a day to even look at us in the mirror with no other purpose than just “watch.”

Have you ever wondered that when we say “I talked to my friend, my brother, my mother …” we rarely do it ?. What we actually did was keep a “chat” by WhatsApp, or a Social Network, which is not the same as talking, listening to the other’s voice, really feel their mood. Because we do not have the time.

Clearly our new world, where we raise our children, has this speed installed throughout our day and we must learn to live in it, enjoy it and be part of this new society in which we are immersed. However, there are things for which it is imperative to take time each day, without hardship, with space, with tranquility.

Here are 5 easy tips to think about. I hope this will help you stop for a bit once you make them part of your daily routine:

1. Do not think about how early you have to wake up tomorrow, kiss and tuck your children in bed, tickle them, tell them a story, as if nothing else matters. This is your time with them while they are small, do not forget they are growing every day, and this is the time to remember.

2. Get up 10 minutes early and enjoy a coffee or a tea “alone” without thinking about the rest of the day.

3. Every hour, get up from your chair, stretch yourself, take a deep breath, take a few steps, wash your face with cold water and drink a glass full of water.

4. Walk barefoot on the grass, at least once a month. Relax, meditate. Dedicate yourself to doing nothing. Call your mother or your father, if you are still lucky enough to have them with you. Call your friends, your brothers, and hang out with them just to talk.

5. And above all, stop “doing chores” all the time and take time just to “be”.

Live, because our time is today. Do not forget! Leave a little time for a little “Tea Time”

So, do you also feel the world is spinning big time?
Bug hug,