
5 Characteristics of a great entrepreneur

WOMAN LEADER La Gran Emprendedora

Regardless of the sex of the person, it will always be the character that marks the personality of the person. Each of us has a number of skills, which makes us unique. Some of us have more ability to do manual work, others for the study of science, others for writing, others for singing or dancing. But the character goes beyond.

This is the essential feature that every entrepreneurial woman must have. It is the basis for getting prosperous in life. The projects do not go ahead alone, you need to give them an impulse and a seal of identity. Each one of us can develop everything we want using the best feature we have: our character.

When we plan to carry out a work of entrepreneurship and set up our own business, there are many doubts that assault us. It is normal that we have to think one and a thousand times if we can carry it forward. Doubt arises and this nourishes our insecurities.

The fact of valuing and meditating does not indicate that we will not be able to carry out our work. This process is part of maturity. Being an entrepreneur is not synonymous with being impulsive, but with being reflective. This does not imply that behind the projects there is no illusion, but balance.

What characteristics will the good entrepreneur have?

  1. Attitudes and aptitudes: Although it seems the same word, te change of just one letter indicates the semantic change. Attitude has to do with how a person acts and behaves; Instead the ability is to have a certain capacity. The good entrepreneur will perfectly manage her field of work and will be able to develop her work in a positive way. To have a business is not only know how to do a haircut, or clean a suit, or develop a tech project; It is also optimism, enthusiasm, confidence and social skills.
  2. Be very responsible: Etymologically, we know that the responsible is the one who knows how to respond correctly to a given situation. Setting up and opening a company is a commitment to the company and to your future customers. The one who will “respond” for everything will be you for better or for worse. Do not forget.
  3. What you do helps you grow: You must be very clear about your tastes and work specialties. Put another way: If you hate fish do not open a fish shop. Your business is a place designed by yourself, in which you feel comfortable. Your daily goal will be to see it grow and you grow with it.
  4. Risk to win: Opening a business is not an easy task, especially if there is not enough funding or enough personal energy from the entrepreneur. When you get it, you will feel the vertigo again. All entrepreneurial activity involves risk. Nothing is certain in this life, but why not try it?
  5. Mid-short-term goals are set: The good entrepreneur works by objectives. If you do not get them at the appointed time, you must reconsider why you do not reach these goals. What is failing? What can we do to improve? What needs to be changed? Again we see: attitude and aptitude.

These 5 characteristics must be taken into account IF YOU WISH TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR, in addition to two opposites but at the same time essential feauters: A great entrepreneur must be realistic but have a big dream in his head at the same time.

Is it possible to unite both? Sure, with balance, energy and much enthusiasm, everything is possible if you put all your efforts into it. But remember, it takes time! Do not quit or throw the towel at the first problem …. persevere and work and success will come.

Go ahead with your venture and good luck!

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