start ups

Y..¿para que me sirve hacer Networking?

Seguro que muchas veces te has preguntado …¿para qué me sirve a mí hacer Networking? Nos encontramos en un mundo interconectado en el que la velocidad, la inmediatez y la tecnología se han convertido en nuestro día a día y cuando pensamos en herramientas para hacer negocio, seguro que lo…...

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5 Characteristics of a great entrepreneur

Regardless of the sex of the person, it will always be the character that marks the personality of the person. Each of us has a number of skills, which makes us unique. Some of us have more ability to do manual work, others for the study of science, others for…...

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Your Brand In Social Media. Be Bold!

In recent years, the rise of Social Media has been an real advertising revolution. The mouth-ear effect has become an eye-eye one. This means that much of the advertising or promotional content of a brand already comes to us through such popular platforms that are Social Media....

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Blooging will boost your Business. Learn how!

It is not secret that building your business can be a difficult task. You can put hundreds of hours of effort into the business, but if you still don’t have important components, you will not be successful. Today many business owners are realizing that building a digital presence boosts business,…...

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