
How to control your body language in a job interview


Humans naturally send and receive nonverbal communication; they have been doing so since the beginning of time. When a person folds her arms but has a smile on her face, are you not wondering what is she upset about or clammed up for? At an interview, you never want your body language to contradict your words; this makes you appear like a liar. The first impression, or the first few minutes of your interview are the most lasting.

The first impression, or the first minutes of your interview are the ones that remain in the interviewer’s mind. You will have to be careful that your body language never contradicts your words; This can make you seem undecided or, worse, that your interlocute thinks that you are not telling the truth.

When you are at an interview, you may not be aware of this but your interviewer is observing your body language, very carefully. Your body language says a lot about yourself, so you need to control negative body movements and encourage positive body movements and habits.

The Handshake

Your hands should be clean and well manicured, and free of perspiration. You want to allow the interviewer to initiate the handshake, which should match the interviewer in firmness, do not give a firmer handshake than them. Smile at the interviewer and look them in the eyes. It should last between two to five seconds. When departing the interview, the handshake may last longer, smile and lean forward as you shake.


Here are a few things you will want to avoid at an interview:


  • Clasping your hands behind your head
  • Adjusting your tie constantly
  • Slouching in your chair
  • Pulling your collar away
  • Picking at your face or outfit
  • Tight smiles or tension in face
  • Little eye contact
  • Wrinkling your eyebrows
  • Rapidly nodding your head
  • Any nervous tics
  • Crossing your ankles – means withholding information
  • Crossing your legs away from the interviewer- toward is ok
  • Crossing one ankle over the other knee
  • Crossing your interviewers personal space
  • Avoid grinning idiotically
  • Gnawing on one’s lips absentmindedly
  • “Faking” a cough during a tough question
  • Folding or crossing your arms
  • Avoid compulsive jabbing the floor or desk with your foot
  • Loud, obnoxious laughter

Train these aspects before the job interviews and you will realize how the control of our language becomes a tool of success. If you achieve that your body expression is aligned with your verbal language you can transmit confidence and warmth in any interview.

Let’s go!