
10 simple routines to optimize your time

10 claves para gestionar tu tiempo

1.Establish your routines to keep your energy during the workday.

To keep a good activity and high levels of energy during the week set your routines: go to bed early and rise early, try to keep your sleep schedules stable, this will help you rest better, and you are programming your mind that these are your off hours. Get things done at intervals rather than in several hours. Interrupt your work every 60 minutes and dedicate yourself a short 5 minutes to get up, drink water or eat something healthy and then… get back to work! This will help you get more out of your day.

2. Start your day’s work the night before.

Plan ahead in your mind the next day will help tremendously when you go to work. Make a list every night in a notebook of your pending tasks in order of importance. This exercise will also help you free your mind overnight and sleep better.

3. Start with the most difficult task or least favorite

Sure they arrive at the office in the morning you find yourself with more energy. Take this time to make the most complicated of the day or what your least favorite task. This routine will help you avoid procrastinating because as your day goes one your energy will go down as well and maybe, with fatigue, you´ll  leave for another day these tasks you do not like too much.

4. Make shorter tasks in the first half of the day.

This produces a very powerful effect on your self-esteem, if  you have fulfilled 60% of your work at noon, this will give you an additional boost to do others.

5. Divide your big activities into small tasks that demand 30 minutes or less.

To maintain concentration and energy it is good to make task division, Also, if a particular activity becomes monotonous, you can start a different task of another and then come back to the first one. The variety will bring you extra energy.

Avoid distractions.

We live in a connected world as we already costs too much to ask spaces of concentration. Whenever possible, ask specifically that you do not interrupt when you have to do certain tasks. Disconnect phone, chat windows closed and do not read the mail. Allocates a certain time, two or three times a day to read the email or visit social networks. Stick to the preset time and will not spend more, otherwise your work will be constantly interrupted with messages, emails or calls and will cost much more complete.

Delegates or ask for help.

Delegate those tasks that do not require your direct attention or that may be developed by someone else. Devote your time to those tasks that your contribution a person truly value. If you do not have money to hire anyone, you can always ask for help in the simplest people in your work environment.

Do one thing at a time.

Being Multitasking is great but it is for computers. If the tasks you should do require your talent, care and creativity, the better you divide, you concentrate and do not try to perform more than one task at a time. Try to plan your day and stick to it, without interruption. If suddenly you is valuable to the head, just write it down and set a goal to develop or think of that idea the next day idea.

Serves contingencies.

In all work always unforeseen occur, atiéndelos diligently and then returns as soon as possible to your scheduled tasks. It’s fine if you could not complete the tasks you had planned in the day, add them to the list of tasks to be performed the next day and prioritize what is important is that you have a plan and you stick to it, but always with flexibility.

Avoid time thieves.

How many times we are in a conversation in which we are thinking we should get down to work and do not know cut? Some people do not control the time, people who talk and talk in a casual conversation in the hallway and people who interrupt you constantly with personal issues that can be addressed after work. Concentrate, your goal is to perform at their best and not stay to live in the office. So do not waste time. When you start a conversation, she tells the other person so educated how long have available. If the conversation is extended, cut and propose to the other person to see you another day and drink. Will understand.